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Vanillablossom™ Flavors, Inc.

Black Peppercorns

Black Peppercorns

Regular price $8.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $8.99 CAD
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Made with black pepper from Indonesia, a region known for producing pepper that has a fruity, smoky aroma and a slow burn.

Black pepper is indigenous to the Malabar Coast of India, and for much of recorded history, this region was Europe's only source of the spice. In the ancient Mediterranean world, only the very wealthy could afford black pepper, and this remained true in medieval Europe. The spice reached Europe only through Venice and Genoa, and dodging the high prices set by the Italians was a driving force behind the search for new sea routes to India. To read more about the history of the original black gold, and to find recipe ideas, visit the En-spice-lopedia!

  • Comes in three sizes: 90 grams (5.5oz jar), 240 grams (16 oz jar) & 5 lbs (2.27 kg, food-grade sealed bag in box)
  • Store in a dark, cool place to guarantee freshness 
  • Packed in a PET plastic container or food grade plastic bag, which are safe for use at home and in commercial kitchens
  • Packaged in Victoria, BC, Canada

We also have pink peppercorns and green peppercorns!

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